If you want to be a goddess among the world of internet, apart from taking a "Just Woke Up❤️" photo with full make up, you should take photos of dessert too! Be a successful goddess, we should come and visit Patis
呢道Tiffany Blue嘅門口好搶眼,女神們一定要係度影多兩張長腿相!
This is the entrance of Patis serie Tony Wong with Tiffany blue! O-M-G!
This is the entrance of Patis
入到去SPD4459天長地九龍城食家指南既小編即刻就見到件件十分精緻嘅蛋糕由上至下, 左至右咁整齊排列好俾你慢慢揀!件件都好想試下啊!
There are different kinds of lovely cakes displayed in the fridge! SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage Guidebook want to try every single one of them!
There are different kinds of lovely cakes displayed in the fridge! SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage Guidebook want to try every single one of them!
As every women need to keep fit, we have ordered 2 of them:
As every women need to keep fit, we have ordered 2 of them:
Ruby Diamond
呢個鑽石形嘅蛋糕好得意! 最外層係Raspberry味嘅朱古力, 酸酸地同入面嘅榛子醬蛋糕好夾!又香濃又幼滑!
This diamond shaped cake was super cute! The outer layer was raspberry chocolate which perfectly matched the hazelnut cake inside! This gave a smooth and rich taste to us!
This diamond shaped cake was super cute! The outer layer was raspberry chocolate which perfectly matched the hazelnut cake inside! This gave a smooth and rich taste to us!
Chocolate Truffle Cake
睇個樣以為好甜,但岀奇地,朱古力味甜中帶苦! 加上啲朱古力脆片,完全唔覺得漏!
We thought the chocolate truffle cake would be so sweet at the beginning! The chocolate came with a little bit bitter after taste plus the chocolate crisp, it just amazing!!
We thought the chocolate truffle cake would be so sweet at the beginning! The chocolate came with a little bit bitter after taste plus the chocolate crisp, it just amazing!!
當你食完個cake想覆留言之制,見到"點解你食咁多嘢都咁瘦? ",哈哈,你只會陰陰咀笑,因為兵已收。
When you want to give a reply to your fans, just smile to the comment which is saying "How can you be so slim as you ate a lot?"
Edited by Tang Chor Kwan, Tybal
When you want to give a reply to your fans, just smile to the comment which is saying "How can you be so slim as you ate a lot?"
以下資料有關Patis serie Tony Wong:
The following information is about Patis serie Tony Wong:
地址: 九龍城福佬村道74號
Address: 74 Fok Lo Tsun Road, Kowloon City
營業時間:星期一至日 11:00-21:00
Opening Hours: MON to SUN 11:00-21:00
電話Tel: 2382 6639
Edited by Tang Chor Kwan, Tybal
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage
ReplyDelete要變男神 睇黎唔係食件CAKE就可以達到貢簡單 LOL
Delete「偽」ABC 女神。。。hahaha