Tuesday, 28 October 2014

1分鐘教你煮清酒煮蜆 1-min tutorial for Sake Clam [ SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

今次 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南用1分鐘時間教識你煮清酒煮蜆!! Let's GOOOOO

所需材料 Preparation Method :
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蔥及蒜切粒 chopped spring onion - 適量Moderate
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 水  - 浸過蜆即可 (just cover the clam)
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盬 Salt  -  適量Moderate
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牛油 Butter - 1-2 teaspoon
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蜆(建議買沙白)clam - 份量隨需要而定(optional)
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清酒 Sake    - 2-3 匙 table spoons
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先切底洗乾淨d 蜆, 用鹽水浸住, 建議2小時以上, 時間愈長愈好, 令蜆吐番哂d沙出黎。
開細火, 煲熱左就落牛油。牛油溶哂就落得蒜粒,爆香下佢。爆到咁上下就落水, 記全唔好落太多, 如果唔係就要落好多鹽先夠味, 之後蓋起佢。水滾後就落埋蔥 , 之後同時落清酒, 鹽同蜆, 然後再蓋番個煲煮下佢。煮既時間視乎你所買既蜆既大細, 一般煮到開哂口所焗多一陣就穩陣啦。但要留意煮太耐d蜆肉會鞋。好喇, 唔識煮野食既人都煮到既清酒煮蜆就咁就完成架啦。
Method :
Wash the clam from head to toe, then put them into salt water to let them give out the mud and sand inside. Open a low fire, melt the butter first, then add the garlic. After few seconds, add some water and wait until boiling. Put the spring onion into the water, then put the clam, salt and sake all into the pot. The time needed depends on the size of the clam. Cook until all the clam open. Over cooking will affect the texture of the clam. Done!

Edited by Wong Yan Kit
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Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
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Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage
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