又到左甜在心時間喇,今次 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南想同大家介紹既係好多人都鍾意既FrozenYogurt喇!!!![特別係女孩子Tim la haha:)] 呢間Frozen Yogurt叫Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar,真係冇改錯名架,個個食完都係真係笑住咁走架!!!
Dessert time again!! SPD4459 Kowloon City District F&B guidebook would like to introduce you guys a Frozen Yogurt house which are called Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar:) That's really a good name!!Every customer is keeping their smiling face after this Frozen Yogurt!
Smile佢會有好多已經match咗唔同toppings嘅frozen yogurt 比你揀,唔鐘意既你都可以自己match返邊D岩食既Toppings架!!:) 今次小編都選擇自選toppings,包括有綠茶Mochi、焦糖脆脆同埋朱古力漿。朱古力漿淋上yogurt面,yogurt既凍,令到朱古力漿迅速凝固,變成朱古力脆脆。Woho~~~~個感覺就好似食緊雪糕火鍋咁,再加埋綠茶mochi軟淋淋同勁濃味既脆脆,真係食完咩唔開心都冇晒。如果近排比midterm or project搞到個人冇咩心機,不防去食番杯,食完包你笑番架:)
Smile is really caring, there are different pre-matched options, which matches with different kinds of toppings. Customers no need to spend a long period of time to think of what they should choose. Nevertheless, there is still able to select your own cup of frozen yogurt. This time, I mixed and matched by my own!! I have chosen three toppings which were Green tea Mochi, Caramel nut with chocolate sauce. The chocolate sauce was so amazing because it was solidified! It was just like eating an ice cream fondue!I was feeling great after tasted this. Good
其實宜家Smile係其他地區都開左分店,不過 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南我就覺得九龍城呢間坐得最舒服!!!:)
Actually, there are two branches in other districts. However, spd4459 kowloon city district food and beverage guidebook thinks the branch which located in Kowloon City in the most comfortable one!:) Let's try!!!!
以下資料有關Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar:
The following information is about Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar:
G/F, 65 Lion Rock Road, Kowloon City
電話/Tel: 2382 6669
營業時間/Opening Hour: 星期一至日(Monday to Sunday) :13:00-23:00
Edited by Chan Ka Ching, Candice
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage