黎喇黎喇黎喇......說好的 Video 終於有得睇!!!!今次 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南決定教大家煮一個"懶可愛"ge 意粉,包保大人細路見到都想食,唔好講咁多,去片la~~~~~SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Woo....video has been uploaded!!! A "cute" spaghetti dish is demonstrated in spd4459 kowloon city district food and beverage guidebook's cooking tutorial video and I believe everyone will love this dish. Here you go~~~SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
材料:SPD4459 Ingredients:SPD4459
廚師腸 1 包 Sausage 1 pack
番茄醬 1 罐 Tomato Sauce 1 can
意粉 1 包 Spaghetti 1 pack
黃椒 1 個 Sweet pepper 1 piece
蛋 4 隻 Eggs 4 pieces
調味料:SPD4459 Seasoning: SPD4459
鹽 1 茶匙 Salt 1 tsp
糖 2 茶匙 Sugar 2 tsp
橄欖油 1 茶匙 Olive Oil 1 tsp
做法: SPD445
1. 首先,把黃椒切片及去籽。
2, 然後,把意粉插入廚師腸內。
3. 跟住,預備一煲水並加入少許鹽及橄欖油。
4. 再者,把意粉放進滾水內。
5. 繼而,把黃椒放進鑊慢火煎,其後加雞蛋入黃椒內。
6. 最後,混合蕃茄醬及意粉。
Methods: SPD445
番茄醬 1 罐 Tomato Sauce 1 can
意粉 1 包 Spaghetti 1 pack
黃椒 1 個 Sweet pepper 1 piece
蛋 4 隻 Eggs 4 pieces
調味料:SPD4459 Seasoning: SPD4459
鹽 1 茶匙 Salt 1 tsp
糖 2 茶匙 Sugar 2 tsp
橄欖油 1 茶匙 Olive Oil 1 tsp
做法: SPD445
1. 首先,把黃椒切片及去籽。
2, 然後,把意粉插入廚師腸內。
3. 跟住,預備一煲水並加入少許鹽及橄欖油。
4. 再者,把意粉放進滾水內。
5. 繼而,把黃椒放進鑊慢火煎,其後加雞蛋入黃椒內。
6. 最後,混合蕃茄醬及意粉。
Methods: SPD445
1. First, cut the sweet pepper into pieces.SPD4459
2. Then, insert spaghetti into saugages.SPD4459
3. Next, boil some water and add some salt and olive oil in it.SPD4459
4. After that, put the sausages with spaghetti into boiled water.SPD4459
5. Lastly, cook the sweet peppers for a while and add eggs into them.SPD4459
6. Finally, mix the tomato sauce with spaghetti.SPD4459
Edited by Kwok Wing Yiu, Jacqueline
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage
Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage