Friday, 7 November 2014

散場之選 - CAFFE HABITU [ spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

小編係又一城睇完殺神JOHN WICK正諗緊食咩好,友人就帶左我去呢間CAFFE HABITU THE TABLE!咦......唔只裝修得,野食都得啵!所以一定要上黎SPD4459天長地九龍城飲食指南呢個BLOG同大家介紹下。

My friend brought me to CAFFE HABITU THE TABLE after we watching JOHN WICK. Not just the restaurant's outlook and design is excellent, the food and drink are tasty too. So I should introduce to you guys in spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage.

我地叫左個肉醬千層麵,一個字:正!千層麵真係好足料,夠晒厚架。蕃茄醬加芝士本來就係PERFECT MATCH唔使多講,佢既醬係夠你食晒成個千層麵,唔會好似有D鋪咁得少少比個樣你睇!如果鍾意食辣既朋友,可以加埋辣椒仔辣汁食,仲正。

We have ordered Lasagna with Bolognaise. The lasagna is thick enough and match with the tomato sauce and cheese. The sauce is much enough to eat with lasagna. If you like spicy, you can add Tabasco, it will be more delicious.


We also ordered Salmon Risotto. Compare with Lasagna with Bolognaise, this one should be tarnished by comparison. This risotto is too hard for me to chew and a bit dry. But the salmon is good, can add more marks.


For the drink, we ordered Supreme Chocolate. Remember to mix the cream to chocolate before you drink. This Supreme Chocolate should be a perfect ending for this meal.

The following information about CAFFE HABITU THE TABLE:

地址: 九龍塘達之路80號又一城UG-19號
Address: Shop UG-19, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong

營業時間/Opening Hour:
MON to THUR 0800-2200
FRI 0800-2300
SAT 1030-2300
SUN 1030-2200

電話/Tel: 3104 9270

Edited by Chau Lai Kiu, Nicole

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Thursday, 6 November 2014

金滿堂---糖水舖 Golden Hall Dessert [ spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

民以食為先, spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編可謂深得固中精髓﹐真係遙想公謹呀唔係啟德當年﹐一入夜就烏登黑火鬼影都冇隻。忽然遙身一變﹐變到宜家周街都餐廳﹐四圍都糖水鋪﹐我都不禁要講番句物是人非。而人生中又點只物會變,人心ge 變化變得更可怕。但係係低谷時期,食番碗糖水,果一刻心情都會好返少少咁多多la,所以今次既題目依然係糖水。
Eating is the most important thing of our life. Kowloon city is just like a dead city in the past but it is totally different now. Restaurants are opened in every corner. Things are changing at every moment especially people's mind. No matter how depressed are you feeling, when you have a dessert, you can feel much better. Therefore, it's a dessert shop again. 

我呸﹐廢話小講直入正題﹐而今次既主角正正就同九龍城大翻身有深切關係。就係金滿堂。冇錯  你唔好話細細個無聽過呢個名﹐你分分鐘連大個左都冇聽過呀。但 SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編夠膽講句﹐呢間鋪頭就算唔係九龍城甜品界既開山鼻祖﹐講句中興元老都絕不為過。先唔講有咩威水史﹐望一望個地圖﹐能夠係城南道雄據三個鋪位﹐你就知佢有幾把炮啦。

Here comes to the topic. Golden Hall Dessert is one of the original dessert shops in Kowloon city and there are three branches at South Wall Road. 

金滿堂甜品的相片 - 九龍城)

望一望個餐牌﹐有中有西就不再話下啦﹐先介紹傳統野啦﹐椰皇蛋白燉湯丸﹐可能你會大叫一聲:我挑!咪又係燉奶一碗仲要賣成三十幾蚊搵老襯咋。SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編同你講呢位兄弟﹐風水佬呃你十年八年﹐呢碗野呃你成世呀。燉奶呢家野我唔敢講嚐盡天下百家﹐至小都算食遍港九新界。燉奶加椰汁再加湯丸再加埋清心丸﹐都不過係三十幾蚊﹐經唔經濟實惠就見人見智﹐但絕對係值回票價囉。至於味道﹐一字記之若:好食。我吹到天花龍鳳都不過係紙上談兵﹐食下你就知。

spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage went to the shop and looked at the menu, it provided Chinese and Western desserts for choosing. Let's talk about the Chinese one,  "Stew milk with coconut milk add with dumplings" costs only $3x and it is worth for this price as this food is so delicious. 

甜品 - 九龍城的金滿堂甜品)

講埋西啦。老老實實﹐西式甜品呢就冇乜突出之處。但係就夠款多。價錢相對又較實惠。由日式菓子到心太軟。仲要時不時都會推出D新野﹐例如XX烏冬。菓子呢家野SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編少年時代早就深受其害﹐貢獻左唔小白花花既銀子。以致近年轉攻心太軟﹐可謂鹹魚青菜各有所好﹐係呢間咁萬惡既糖水鋪入面﹐你總會搵到一樣你既心頭好。呢間鋪我由細睇到佢大﹐由一間開4間﹐仲愈做愈有﹐真係得罪講句﹐容佢張狂呀。

Here comes to the western desserts. To be honest, the western desserts are not really special but it offers various of choices and prices are more reasonable. New food items are launched regularly. However, writer of spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage favorite item is "Chocolate Lava Cake".

金滿堂甜品的相片 - 九龍城)

以下資料有關金滿堂: The following information is about Golden Hall Dessert:

Shop 5,6,9 Shing Nam Road,Kowloon City 

電話/TEL.: 2383 3102

Edited by Kwok Wing Yiu, Jacqueline

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

疑似香港最好味嘅泡菜國小食店 Maybe The Best Korean to-go Ever - 韓點 Hon Dim [ spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

作為一個 spd4459 嘅資深食家!係呢個躺著也想吃泡菜嘅年代!面對住位於紅磡嘅韓點真係想大叫一聲:「撒冷嘿喲~」皆因就算我冇少時嘅一雙長腿都比我朝勝一下正宗韓式小食係咩滋味!呀豬媽!!我黎啦!!
Being a Senior Gourmet of spd4459, at this day and age, should introduce a Korean to-go restaurant to you all. Hon Dim is located at Hung Hom where is easily be found as well! Here we go!

This little store has already opened 4 to 5 store in Hong Kong! Hon Dim is small but everything can be ordered her are very delicious!

The appetizer should be my favorite Topokki! It was quite spicy and super chewy! The sauce is made with the Korean styled sour sauce, red wine and 10 kinds of seasoning! Wow! It's super delicious!

Chicken with Spicy Sauce
呢個雞差少少就好食過我教整個個Jack Daniel's 雞翼喇!甜甜酸酸得黎又keep到啲雞好juicy!十級推薦!
This chicken just more or less as yummy as the Jack Daniel's Chicken Wings! The chicken was very juicy with a sweet-sour sauce. I would definitely recommended to you all.

Korean Styled Sushi
This home styled sushi was made with the simplest ingredients just like mommy does! That's why I love it so much!

Inflation becomes so rapidly nowadays! Fortunately, Hom Dim is still providing us those delicious snacks with reasonable price!

以下資料有關韓點: The following information is about Hon Dim:

Shop 2, G/F, Po Wai Building, 59-67 Bullkeley Street, Hung Hom, Hung Hom

營業時間/Opening Hour:  Monday-Sunday 12:00-22:00

電話TEL:3480 4441

Edited by Tang Chor Kwan, Tybal

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

EXP你唔係未食過呀!? [ spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

又返番黎主菜時間!!!! 今日 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南想同大家介紹一間好食到要講七次好食先表達到果種好食既餐廳 — EXP !!!! 呢間餐廳係邊? 其實就係九龍塘....可能你會心諗..下,乜九龍塘係屬於九龍城區既咩? SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南會答你...經過我地精密調查,發現 九 龍 塘 係 屬 於 九 龍 城 區 架 !!!!!!!!!!!事不宜遲,等我講你知佢有乜好食啦!!!

Hello everyone!!!! Back to main course again! Today, SPD4459 Kowloon City District F&B guidebook would like to introduce a restaurant, EXP to you guys. This restaurant located in Kowloon Tong. You may wonder ' Does Kowloon Tong classify into Kowloon City District? '. According to SPD4459 Kowloon City District F&B guidebook's in depht investigation, we will answer you, YES! Kowloon Tong is part of Kowloon City District! Let's see what type of food are being introduced!

We have ordered 5 dishes this time. So Happy:)

烤豬頸肉沙律 Grilled pork neck salad 

UM...其實呢個我覺得都唔算係沙律,淨係得啲豬頸肉!不過冇所謂啦!!主菜都係個豬頸肉haha! 佢都烤得好,完全唔韌!!仲好多汁添!!!

er.... i don't think this is matched with salad....It's doesn't matter! The grilled pork neck's taste is still delicious:) 

烏卒卒帶子墨汁麵 Squid Ink Spaghetti with King 

呢碟意粉真係我最愛呀!!!!!!!(你見我POST 2張相就知啦!!哈哈哈哈) 勁好食!!超級好食呀!!!!個汁同個意粉味道好夾,再加埋啲配菜同個帶子簡直perfect match!不過食完會好飽因為佢個汁係好creamy...

It is my favorite dish!!!!!!The taste is very nice and very delicious!!! The sauce and the spaghetti are perfect matched with crab roe and yellow pepper! You must be full after this dish because the sauce is a bit creamy.

芝麻雞亦 Chicken Wings

呢個其實都幾普通, 價錢仲要都幾貴!!!唔係幾抵食!!!!唔建議你地叫!!!
Normal taste with high price! It is not worth to try!!

蒜香牛柳粒 Stir-fry Garlic Beef

佢份量唔係好多,但粒粒咬入口依然係好多汁,好Juicy!! 以質取勝!!!! 牛有牛味, 加上惹味的燒汁,真係好快就食晒!!!
A bit small quantity but those beef are juicy enough. NICE!

芒果柚子橙汁 Mango grapefruit juice


I am totally in love with this glass of juice! its taste is heavily on the taste of mango, it is very fresh and healthy! It is absolutely better than you drink Iced Lemon Tea!!!

芥末西冷牛肉 Mustard sirloin beef


The ingredients of this pizza are mushrooms, red pepper, yellow pepper, asparagus and mustard sauce. The size you can choose either thin or regular. We ordered a thin this time. The taste is nice and it is not spicy as we expected.

以下資料有關EXP: The following information is about EXP:

Shop 23, UG, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong

營業時間/Opening Hour:  Monday-Sunday 11:00-23:00

電話TEL: 22658298

Edited by Chan Ka Ching, Candice

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Monday, 3 November 2014

帕維亞意大利餐廳 Pavia [ spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

泰國野我地SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南都介紹得多啦, 今日介紹間意國菜啦。Pavia 除左食佢食物之外, 氣氛都係佢既一大賣點, 睇下佢門口裝修得幾靚就知。
We have recommended several thai food restaurants, we chose a Italian food restaurant this time. Besides the Italian cuisines, we love the atmosphere there a lot. See, the front door is quite grand.
個口門整到咁靚, 入面當然都唔差啦。入到黎個感覺好舒服, 又靜, 岩哂我呢D斯文又又內斂既人喇。 :$
The decoration inside is also elegant. A comfortable, silent restaurant is perfect for a fine dinner.
睇下D 調味料, 都係好特別架, 可見呢度既老闆係幾有心思同埋有要求。學咪咪姐話齋:乜野都隨隨便便, 點會有人比面!
Look at these seasonings, we can see that the owner is passionate in these details.

頭盤先試左個雞肉沙律, 咁我諗不用多講啦, 只能講佢賣相好好, 食完就令我地更加期待其他野食:P
Chicken salad. I guess i don't need to introduce too much. The look is good, it stimulates our hunger ! :P
呢個係南非生蠔, 中意食蠔既就不妨豪一次!  小篇對蠔就唔係話好有研究, 本身都係普普通通, 唔算好鐘意食, 但係試左呢度既蠔之後就愛上左! 果陣味真係留係口腔入面好耐,而且味道唔會太濃, 個人認為好岩好似小篇呢D 食蠔新手。
South Africa Oyster. I am sure you would like it if you are oyster lover. We don't know much about oyster, even not like it much. However, i was addicted to oyster after trying this. The taste is not too strong but it stay in the mouth for a really long time.
香草燒羊架!呢個羊架燒得好均勻, 成舊都係好林, ,而且又唔會太生或太熟, 究竟係點做到既呢!!! 個羊架都好有香草味,所以一D都唔"SO"。真係好好味, 食到小篇骨都"LUN" 埋呀! :P
This lamb rack is well-roasted, it is very soft, but not over or under-cooking. We love it so much that we even wanna finish it with the bones!

p.s.仲有值得一讚既係呢度既侍應都好nice好有禮貌 : )
One more thing is great is that the waiters are very nice and polite.


星期一至五 Mon - Fri: 12:00-15:00 ; 18:00-23:00
星期六至日Sat - Sun: 12:00-23:00

Edited by Wong Yan Kit Chris

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Sunday, 2 November 2014

我要食糖水 Dessert Movement [ SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

話咁快又入秋啦,我地SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南既小編呢排每到秋冬就成日都覺得自己好肚餓,食完個夜晚飯都覺得唔係好夠飽。好啦好啦,小編們認自己好大食,既然要食,就去食間好既!今日去紅磡食一間多年老字號糖水鋪。

It’s the time of autumn, I always feel hungry during autumn and winter, even if I finished the dinner. OK, I admit I have big appetite, so let’s go have some dessert to eat in Hung Hom.


Chung Kee Dessert is very famous and everyone should have heard about her. I am so out of date that I don’t know Chung Kee owns a store in Hung Hum, when I was a child living in Cheung Sha Wan, I must have one Chung Kee dessert with my parents at night, and I seldom have dessert nowadays, so I decided totry it again.

係松記,唔可能唔食佢既招牌summer。佢價錢好相宜,有兩球自選雪糕,仲有好多水果打底,加埋煙煙un un既西米同香甜既芒果汁,係出面真係好難呢個價錢食到。相信都好多人食過,雖然好似好多雜畢甩既野放晒入去,但係將全部野撈埋一齊食果時,會覺得好味到好似寵壞緊自己味蕾咁。

In Chung Kee, you must try the most famous dessert, SUMMER. It is very value with price, you can select two ice-cream flavors, it comes with different fruit and sago at the bottom, sweet mango sources at top, it is difficult to have this quality in this price range. Probably most of you had tried this before, it consists of many ingredients, when you mix them all well, you will feel like spoiling your tongue.

Dumpling is a must have item if you want to have something warm for dessert in winter. Usually you will have five flavors only, in Chung Kee, you will have six flavors, such as custard, sesame, peanut and red bean stuffing etc. It doesn't really sweet, so you won’t feel guilty after finishing the dumpling.

松記其實仲有好多招牌糖水,例如幻彩明珠,哈囉,款款都係都好多年歷史。中式糖水都有好多選擇,例如燉蛋燉奶,桂圓蓮子蛋茶。同埋松記都成日研發新既糖水,有咖啡木糠布丁,雪糕拉麵,岩晒鐘意試新野既人。其實單係靠我地幾個係唔可能介紹得晒咁多咁多咁多款糖水,不如你地都去試下,介紹返比我地SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南轉頭啦,哈哈。

Chung Kee has a lots more famous dessert, such as Colour Pearl, Hello, these all have their die-hard fans. For Chinese dessert, you also have many choices, such as longan lotus seeds and egg tea. Besides, Chung Kee also invests new dessert all the time, such as coffee biscuit mousse, ice-cream ramen etc. Good for people who like to try something new. Be honest, we can’t try these all by ourselves because there are so so much of choices, why don’t you try and introduce us, haha.

店鋪資料 Restaurant information :

地址 Address :
Shop C110, G/F, Whampoa Building, Ming On Street, Hung Hom
電話 Telephone :
2333 0694
營業時間 Opening hour :
星期一至日 Mon to Fri 1400-0200

Edited by Kwong Ching Man, Ceci

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Saturday, 1 November 2014

平民糖水 貴族享受 - 土瓜灣豬仔 [ SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

食糖水已經成為香港人gathering後的第二餐,又或者已經係正餐!唔講咁多廢話喇,SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南今日同大家介紹既係土瓜灣人必食既豬仔糖水:) 前排都係紅磡開左分店,不過始終舊鋪最original既:)

Have a dessert after the meal should be a new trend for Hongkonger nowadays.Today, spd4459 kowloon city district food and beverage guidebook would like to introduce CHU JAI Dessert to you guys which located at To Kwa Wan. It opened the branch in Hung Hom recently.


Chocolate molten lava cake is the popular dessert in Hong Kong, so we ordered this time. The chef has a good job. His time control is very well as he didn't baked overtime, and the chocolate melt in a perfect way! Also the outer is thin enough to make you full.

拿破崙又係大家熱愛之選!今次呢個芒果拿破崙外型幾特別,同平時既好唔一樣!脆卜卜熱辣,正!SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南認為重點在於佢個不知名醬真係好好味!我相信係秘密武器!

Mango Napoleon is our favorite too. It is different from other restaurant, especially the outlook. Hot and crispy is my criteria. Worth to mention is the "yellow sauce", it really tasty and add bonus mark for the Napoleon.

The following information is about CHU JAI Dessert:

地址: 土瓜灣北帝街31號
Address: Shop 31, Pak Tai Street, To Kwa Wan

電話/Tel: 2331 3394

營業時間: 星期一至日 14:00-00:30
Opening Hours: MON to SUN 14:00-00:30

Edited by Chau Lai Kiu, Nicole

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Friday, 31 October 2014

煮家好女人 - Jack Daniel's Coke Wings 雞翼 [ SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

當你學識厚多士、意粉同全日早餐之後呢,你會慢慢發覺,你想學煮一碟餸!一碟可以用嚟送飯嘅餸!拿!燒雞翼~我自細鐘意食!所以咪話我平時收收埋埋啲絕世食譜自私煮喇!今次 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南就教大家煮個Jack Daniel's Coke雞翼!一個香得嚟又有啲汁送飯嘅餸!事不直遲喇立刻去片
Once you've learnt how to make a ice cream toast, spaghetti and all-day breakfast, you might also want to learn how to make a dish! Today, spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage Guidebook is going to teach you my favorite food... Chicken Wings!! It is a secret recipe tht cooked with Jack Daniel's Coke! Here's is the video of making the Jack Daniel's Coke Wings! Enjoy!!

All ingredients should be can easily been found at home!

雞翼12隻 / Mid-joint wings 12 pieces
Jack Daniel's Coke 2/3支 / Bottle
黑胡椒 適量 / Black pepper Optional
香醋 1湯匙/ Black vinegar 1 tbsp
老抽 2茶匙/ Dark soy sauce 2tsp
小洋蔥 2個/ Little onion 2
炸蒜 適量/Deep fried garlic Optional
黃糖 適量/Yellow Sugar Optional
鹽 1茶匙/Salt 1tsp

  1. 首先就可以落鹽、糖、黑胡椒、老抽、香醋同炸蒜掩一掩啲雞翼先嘅!大概掩20分鐘左右。First, add salt, yellow sugar, black pepper, dark soy sauce and black vinegar into the chicken wings. Put it aside for 20 mins.
  2. 之後就可以落少少油落開左中火嘅鑊度,加入切好左嘅小洋蔥,爆一爆佢!After that, we can add a little bit oil to the pan with medium temperature and put the onion in it.
  3. 直至見到啲小洋蔥變到燶燶地就可以落啲雞翼落鑊喇!咁每面就大約煎佢5分鐘左右。Until the onion turn brown, add the chicken wings to the pan and cook it for 5 mins for each side.
  4. 見到啲雞翼大約7成熟左右呢,就可以落我地嘅主角,Jack Daniel's Coke落去喇!再加2茶匙嘅黃糖,跟住就可以掩一掩蓋,等啲雞翼入味喇! 10 mins later, We can pour the Jack Daniel's Coke in the pan and add 2 tsp of sugar with the lid.
  5. 最後見到啲汁收得七七八八嘅時候就可以上碟喇!At the end, we can see the sauce becomes firm up a bit which means we are finish!

一碟甜甜酸酸好開胃嘅Jack Daniels Coke雞翼就咁就煮好喇!係咪好簡單呢?希望你地會鐘意今次 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南教你煮既野啦!!!
Thanks for watching guys! This dish is pretty simple to make, isn't it? Hope you guys like our sharing in spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage Guidebook:)

Edited by Tang Chor Kwan, Tybal

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Thursday, 30 October 2014

甜在心 笑一笑 Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar [ SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

又到左甜在心時間喇,今次 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南想同大家介紹既係好多人都鍾意既FrozenYogurt!!!![特別係女孩子Tim la haha:)] 呢間Frozen YogurtSmile Yogurt & Dessert Bar,真係冇改錯名架,個個食完都係真係笑住咁走架!!!

Dessert time again!! SPD4459 Kowloon City District F&B guidebook would like to introduce you guys a Frozen Yogurt house which are called Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar:) That's really a good name!!Every customer is keeping their smiling face after this Frozen Yogurt!

Smile佢會有好多已經match咗唔同toppingsfrozen yogurt 比你揀,唔鐘意既你都可以自己match返邊D岩食既Toppings架!!:) 今次小編都選擇自選toppings,包括有綠茶Mochi、焦糖脆脆同埋朱古力漿。朱古力漿淋上yogurt面,yogurt既凍,令到朱古力漿迅速凝固,變成朱古力脆脆。Woho~~~~個感覺就好似食緊雪糕火鍋咁,再加埋綠茶mochi軟淋淋同勁濃味既脆脆,真係食完咩唔開心都冇晒。如果近排比midterm or project搞到個人冇咩心機,不防去食番杯,食完包你笑番架:)

Smile is really caring, there are different pre-matched options, which matches with different kinds of toppings. Customers no need to spend a long period of time to think of what they should choose. Nevertheless, there is still able to select your own cup of frozen yogurt. This time, I mixed and matched by my own!! I have chosen three toppings which were Green tea Mochi, Caramel nut with chocolate sauce. The chocolate sauce was so amazing because it was solidified! It was just like eating an ice cream fondue!I was feeling great after tasted this. Good


其實宜家Smile係其他地區都開左分店,不過 SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南我就覺得九龍城呢間坐得最舒服!!!:)
Actually, there are two branches in other districts. However, spd4459 kowloon city district food and beverage guidebook thinks the branch which located in Kowloon City in the most comfortable one!:) Let's try!!!!

以下資料有關Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar:
The following information is about Smile Yogurt & Dessert Bar:

G/F, 65 Lion Rock Road, Kowloon City

電話/Tel: 2382 6669

營業時間/Opening Hour: 星期一至日(Monday to Sunday) :13:00-23:00


Edited by Chan Ka Ching, Candice

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

簡易三分鐘布朗尼 3 Minutes Tutorial of Making Brownie [ SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

最近忙到連訓ge 時間都唔夠,但成晚流流長,實會肚餓,又點都要俾自己抖下,所以今次SPD4459 天長地九龍城區食家指南想教你用3分鐘整個Brownie ,當鼓勵下自己都好ma!!! 

Here is spd4459 Kowloon city district food and beverage guidebook's 3 minutes tutorial of making brownie!!!Let's try!!!

所需材料                                                     Preparation Method :
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
可可粉 - 6大匙                                            Cocoa Powder - 6 tbs
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即溶咖啡粉  - 2大匙                                   Instant Coffee - 2 tbs
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
面粉  -  12大匙                                            Flour - 12 tbs
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泡打粉 - 2小匙                                            Baking Powder - 2 tsp
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糖 - 12大匙                                                  Sugar - 12 tbs
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蛋 - 2隻                                                        Egg - 2 pcs
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牛奶 - 5大匙                                                Mike - 5 tbs
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
牛油- 6大匙                                                 Butter - 6 tbs
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
鹽 - 少許                                                      Salt - a little bit
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
蘭娒酒 - 2大匙                                            Rum - 2 tbs
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  
入爐朱古力粒- 3大匙                                 Chocolate Chips - 3 tbs
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 

1) 混合牛奶及咖啡粉 (備用)。
2) 把所有粉類過篩,並加入糖和鹽。
3) 逐隻雞蛋加入(2)混合。
4) 把咖啡牛奶和蘭娒酒倒入(3)慢慢攪拌。
5) 選用最大型可入微波爐食物盒,放入牛油叮溶。取出,把溶液於盒內圍繞轉一圈(可防黏)。
6) 把牛油溶液倒進麵糊混合。
7) 加入入爐朱古力粒混合。
8) 把混合好的麵糊倒進食物盒,放入微波爐叮3分鐘。(時間視乎微波爐的火力而定)

溫馨提示: 麵糊受熱會漲起,為免溢出,麵糊高度不要超過食物盒一半。

Method :
1) Intermix milk and instant coffee (Ready for use).
2) Filter all powders and add in sugar and salt.
3) Add eggs into (2) one by one.
4) Add (1) and rum into (3) and stir.
5) Choose the largest size of microwave food box and put in butter for heating and melting. After take the box out, the melting butter  needs to be surrounded the box. 
6) Put the melting butter into (4).
7) Add in the chocolate chips.
8) Put the mixed up material into food box and heat for 3 minutes.
(Based on the heat rate of microwave)

Reminder: to prevent the mixed up material will be overflow during heating, it cannot be as high as the half of the food box. 

hope you all like our sharing in spd4459 kowloon city district food and beverage guidebook:) Thank you!

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Edited by Kwok Wing Yiu, Jacqueline
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
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