Thursday 6 November 2014

金滿堂---糖水舖 Golden Hall Dessert [ spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ]

民以食為先, spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編可謂深得固中精髓﹐真係遙想公謹呀唔係啟德當年﹐一入夜就烏登黑火鬼影都冇隻。忽然遙身一變﹐變到宜家周街都餐廳﹐四圍都糖水鋪﹐我都不禁要講番句物是人非。而人生中又點只物會變,人心ge 變化變得更可怕。但係係低谷時期,食番碗糖水,果一刻心情都會好返少少咁多多la,所以今次既題目依然係糖水。
Eating is the most important thing of our life. Kowloon city is just like a dead city in the past but it is totally different now. Restaurants are opened in every corner. Things are changing at every moment especially people's mind. No matter how depressed are you feeling, when you have a dessert, you can feel much better. Therefore, it's a dessert shop again. 

我呸﹐廢話小講直入正題﹐而今次既主角正正就同九龍城大翻身有深切關係。就係金滿堂。冇錯  你唔好話細細個無聽過呢個名﹐你分分鐘連大個左都冇聽過呀。但 SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編夠膽講句﹐呢間鋪頭就算唔係九龍城甜品界既開山鼻祖﹐講句中興元老都絕不為過。先唔講有咩威水史﹐望一望個地圖﹐能夠係城南道雄據三個鋪位﹐你就知佢有幾把炮啦。

Here comes to the topic. Golden Hall Dessert is one of the original dessert shops in Kowloon city and there are three branches at South Wall Road. 

金滿堂甜品的相片 - 九龍城)

望一望個餐牌﹐有中有西就不再話下啦﹐先介紹傳統野啦﹐椰皇蛋白燉湯丸﹐可能你會大叫一聲:我挑!咪又係燉奶一碗仲要賣成三十幾蚊搵老襯咋。SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編同你講呢位兄弟﹐風水佬呃你十年八年﹐呢碗野呃你成世呀。燉奶呢家野我唔敢講嚐盡天下百家﹐至小都算食遍港九新界。燉奶加椰汁再加湯丸再加埋清心丸﹐都不過係三十幾蚊﹐經唔經濟實惠就見人見智﹐但絕對係值回票價囉。至於味道﹐一字記之若:好食。我吹到天花龍鳳都不過係紙上談兵﹐食下你就知。

spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage went to the shop and looked at the menu, it provided Chinese and Western desserts for choosing. Let's talk about the Chinese one,  "Stew milk with coconut milk add with dumplings" costs only $3x and it is worth for this price as this food is so delicious. 

甜品 - 九龍城的金滿堂甜品)

講埋西啦。老老實實﹐西式甜品呢就冇乜突出之處。但係就夠款多。價錢相對又較實惠。由日式菓子到心太軟。仲要時不時都會推出D新野﹐例如XX烏冬。菓子呢家野SPD4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage ge 小編少年時代早就深受其害﹐貢獻左唔小白花花既銀子。以致近年轉攻心太軟﹐可謂鹹魚青菜各有所好﹐係呢間咁萬惡既糖水鋪入面﹐你總會搵到一樣你既心頭好。呢間鋪我由細睇到佢大﹐由一間開4間﹐仲愈做愈有﹐真係得罪講句﹐容佢張狂呀。

Here comes to the western desserts. To be honest, the western desserts are not really special but it offers various of choices and prices are more reasonable. New food items are launched regularly. However, writer of spd4459 Kowloon City District Food and Beverage favorite item is "Chocolate Lava Cake".

金滿堂甜品的相片 - 九龍城)

以下資料有關金滿堂: The following information is about Golden Hall Dessert:

Shop 5,6,9 Shing Nam Road,Kowloon City 

電話/TEL.: 2383 3102

Edited by Kwok Wing Yiu, Jacqueline

Student of SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Kowloon City District, Food and Beverage

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